April 23, 2019 marked Tuitt’s 25th Batch of Day Class bootcampers graduating and starting the next step of their journey in the IT Industry!
The graduation ceremony was held in the Enzo building in Makati. The graduates and instructors present celebrated the culmination of 3 months filled with learning full stack web development at Tuitt.
On this day, the class could finally shout, “I am a web developer!”

Opening Remarks
The ceremony started off with Tuitt Instructor Terrence Gaffud addressing the bootcampers. “Welcome to your graduation! This will be the last time I’m speaking to you as your instructor. I know these past 3 months have been hard but at the end of the day, you guys were able to finish all the requirements. At the end of the day, I want you guys to remember all the experiences, all the hardships, and all the time you spent together.”

Awarding of Certificates
After the opening remarks from Instructor Gaffud, it was time to award the certificates to the graduating class for their successful training!
The graduates of the Batch 25 Day Class are 13 in total.
Experience Sharing
There to share his experiences with the graduating class was former Tuitt Graduate and current Tuitt instructor, Mr. Emerson Bacani. Before joining Tuitt, he started as a web developer at Globe Telecom and recounts his hardships before joining Tuitt. “I had a hard time getting a job as a developer because I wasn’t equipped back in college. I wasn’t equipped until I joined Tuitt. If you guys listened diligently during your time here, you’ll be equipped.”

To end his talk with the graduating class, Mr. Bacani left them with the story of Daedalus & Icarus. “Icarus flew too close to the sun and he burnt his wings but what people don’t tell you is that he was also told not to go too low otherwise the water will weigh him down. Don’t aim too low and sell yourself short. Aim high but make sure you don’t get burnt.”
Special Awards
Next up in the ceremony were the Miscellaneous awards, where the recipients were voted by their peers. Here are the awards that were given out on this day:
- Friendly Neighbor Award: Athos M.
- Kindness Counts Award: Ronabel M.
- Confident Kid Award: Nick S.
- Most Likely To Be Famous Someday Award: Alfred P.
- Student Best Able To Teach Others Award: Omerson C.
- Awesome Attitude Award: Alfred P.
- Really Responsible Award: Ronabel M.
- Enthusiastic Learner Award: Nelson DJ.
- Outstandingly Organized Award: Mhelvin A.
Industry Speaker
After the special awards were given out, it was time for our special guest speaker from the IT Industry to take the stage, Mr. Lourence Jaromay. “Congratulations for finishing the bootcamp. By no means is this the end of your journey. This is really only the beginning of your life in the IT industry.” he said to the class.

Mr. Jaromay started dabbling in web development all the way back in high school where he was exposed to it in a website creating contest, and he’s never looked back since. “I graduated and I pursued IT. I started off with freelance work but as I went on, I kept learning more languages until I became a full stack web developer.”
He mentioned how it was difficult at first, but he assured the graduating class that difficult times are when you grow and develop. “Don’t be afraid of scary opportunities because that’s where we grow.” He also reminded them not to stay complacent and to always up their game in terms of web development. “Our technology right now is always evolving and growing. We need to keep updated and study on our own.”
Lastly, before Mr. Jaromay said his parting words to the graduating bootcampers, he told them all to shout “I AM A WEB DEVELOPER!” as he welcomed them all to the IT Industry.
Top Performer Awards
Next it was finally time to go to one of the most anticipated parts of the ceremony – the Top Performer Awards! Here are the most outstanding achievers of Batch 25 Day Class:
- 3rd Top Performer: Mhelvin A.
- 2nd Top Performer: Alfred P.
- 1st Top Performer: Ronabel M.
Closing Remarks

After all the awards were handed out, Tuitt Instructor Terrence Gaffud shared his parting words with the graduating class. “You guys each have different stories but you all had one goal. You came here from different backgrounds and come out together as full stack web developers. Remember what I teach here isn’t the end all be all. You have to keep learning and growing. And with that, we wish you well on your journey in the real world and congratulations once again!”
Congratulations Again, Batch 25 Day Class!