Halloween is just around the corner and everyone seems to be on guard for the horrors that come along with it. This time of the year is incredibly stressful, but it can be especially terrifying if you’re scouring for work.
Fret not; just like any Halloween fear, these terrifying unemployment situations can be conquered too. Here’s how to handle them:

We’ve been there. We’ve hopped from one job to another simply because we don’t know what we want. If you’re one of those who have lost touch with what they want professionally, don’t worry; you’re not alone.
To deal with this, you can always do more of what makes you happy. Look at your past achievements then try to find a profession that might echo these triumphs.
Address the things you DON’T want to do. If you hate sitting around the office for 8 hours, then find a job where you would be more active.
Once you know what you want and don’t want, looking for a job would get a lot easier.
To make progress, you will need to feel a little pressure. Get out of your comfort zone and venture out. Try to shift careers, or sign up for classes.
Last but not the least, do it for yourself. Stop paying attention to what others expect of you. Instead, think about your wants and desires.

If you often sell yourself short, or think that you are not deserving of a job that you want, then you might have Imposter Syndrome.
It’s a universal phenomenon where you:
• feel that you haven’t earned your accomplishments
• think your ideas and skills aren’t enough
• attribute your achievements to luck
• feel that you are a fraud and do not deserve your success
Intense feeling of imposterism can hinder an individual to apply for a job where they would excel.
If you feel like you might have it, it would be best to talk about it with your peers. Try to revisit all the positive feedback given to you. Also, start documenting problems that you encounter. You will be surprised that some of the problems you encounter are not even about you.
If these feelings of inadequacy resurface, remember that you do have the talent. You belong, just as much as anybody.
But if you really are underqualified, you can always showcase the skills you do have. Show your eagerness in filling in your gaps. You can usually learn new things about the job with enough work behind the scenes.

Sometimes, having all the experience—and then some—can make it harder to land the position you want. When applying for a job that you’re overqualified for, chances are, hiring managers might think that you’re just doing it for temporary measures. They might also think that you’d be bored, or that you might ask for a salary they can’t match. Here’s how you can go around this:
Tell them why you’re passionate about the work. Let them know that they’re not a temporary fix before you move on to bigger things.
Also, never make it seem that the compensation or the position is way beneath you.
Use your extra know-how to your advantage, but don’t be overconfident. Your abundant qualifications means you can assume greater responsibility in less time. But balance it out with your willingness to learn.

According to Lifehack, there are several good reasons you should keep at it just a little longer.
Every factor that has been weighing you down is an opportunity to get it right. Don’t judge yourself too quickly and quit just because you’ve failed in an area. Branch out. Think of ideas or steps that you haven’t done yet. Consult experts on the area/s you need help with.
Another thing to keep in mind: talent is great but without tenacity, you won’t go as far as you would expect. It’s okay to take a break and regroup but don’t quit. Hang tight, stay tenacious, and learn from the process.

The importance of the saying “no man is an island” has proven to be the reason why many of us need to make a collective effort in a bid to achieve professional success. You might have heard of the term “networking” but haven’t paid much attention to it.
Staying in touch with your past colleagues or developing connections with individuals from different industries can provide you with a whole lot of opportunities. BUT, networking is not something you only do when you’re looking for a job. It’s an ongoing process that takes time and nurturing—not just when it’s convenient for you.
Approximately 66% of job vacancies are never advertised to job seekers and are instead obtained through personal and professional references. Companies tend to hire candidates that have been referred by a trusted source.
You could probably do it on your own, but there’s no denying the impact of a strong network on your career’s success.

Don’t do it, not on resume nor your interview. Keep in mind that employers could conduct a background check on you after the initial interview. If you get caught lying, your job offer may get rescinded.
Selling yourself is very much different from lying. Be sincere about your strengths, weaknesses, and skills. It may seem tempting, especially if you really want to land that job, but its effects can go as far as affecting your career in the long run.
Employers are not expecting you to be perfect. They are looking for well-rounded individuals who can genuinely help them succeed.

You’ve probably had a nah-I’ll-just-wing-it mindset before a job interview and it didn’t go as well as you hoped. Steering clear of this mentality will help you be more in control. It also increases your chances of getting the job.
Here are some steps to get you prepped up before going on a job interview:
- Understand the job description
- Relate your qualifications with the job description
- Research on the company (services, culture, objectives, mission, vision, etc.)
- Practice answering common interview questions.
- Identify what you can contribute to the company
- Prepare questions for the interviewer
- Search the location in advance
- Prepare the needed materials (if any)
There isn’t a foolproof plan to get out of an unemployment rut but being aware of what to do when you’re in one increases your chance of avoiding its possible horrors.