All the hard work it took to get here reminded our new batch of Web Developers to always strive for what they believe in. Our 56th Batch of Day Class bootcampers has officially completed their 4 months Full Stack Web Development training via online Bootcamp.
Batch 56 is one of the pioneer batches of Zuitt’s Online Bootcamp. They endured some calamities. Eventually, they have all adapted to the new normal.
The Online Commencement was held last June 19, 2020, Friday via video conferencing.
Congratulations to Batch 56 Day Class!
The class cheerfully congratulated themselves.
To start the event, Batch Instructor Chris also congratulated everyone and shared a few words of encouragement to the class:
“First of all, I want to congratulate you, guys. Congratulations Batch 56 on your Bootcamp! Natapos natin ang ating Bootcamp from physical class to online class. Palakpakan naman natin mga sarili natin!”
Batch Instructor Chris
The co-host of this commencement activity, Instructor Marty, also congratulated the class:
“First of all everyone, congratulations! On behalf of the Zuitt Family, I want to congratulate everyone for all your hard work. This is a milestone for everyone. It’s hard work to finish the coding Bootcamp.”
Instructor Marty
In every batch, students are tasked to vote for their classmates for the special awarding. After all, they would know each other well enough in the course of 4 months.
The winners of the Special Awards are as follows:
- Enthusiastic Learner Award: Kyle C.
- Outstandingly Organized Award: Lance M.
- Really Responsible Award: Dan G.
- Awesome Attitude Award: Micko L.
- Student Best Able to Teach Others Award: Carl H.
- Most Likely to be Famous Someday Award: Karen T. & Katrina T.
- Most Likely to Establish Own Startup Someday Award: Kyle C.
- Batch Mover and Shaker Award: Carl H.
- Exceptional Character Award: Arwyne DG.
- Kindness Counts Award: Arwyne DG.
- Engagement Champion Award: Genaro O.
Next, the instructors would be the one to define who among the bootcampers excelled on all three produced capstones throughout their Bootcamp journey. The Best Capstone awardees are as follows:
- Best Capstone 1: Lance M.
- Best Capstone 2: Arwyne G.
- Best Capstone 3: Dan G.
Congratulations to all Special Award winners!
Zuitt values hard work and resilience. In every batch, three top academic performers are highlighted and are given recognition for their outstanding performances.
Among them, here are Batch 56’s outstanding performers:
- Batch 56 – 3rd Top Academic Performer: Micko L.
- Batch 56 – 2nd Top Academic Performer: Lance M.
- Batch 56 – 1st Top Academic Performer: Dan G.

Congratulations to the top performers of this batch!
Batch 56 started their intensive IT Coding Bootcamp back in February 2019, a long coding journey that they will never forget. Their bootcamp training transition from offline to online surely has given them difficulties and challenges but they all pushed through to completing their training.
“First and foremost, I would like to say good job and congratulations to all the graduates. As an instructor, I always don’t know what to expect when you meet the class for the first time. Thank you for all your participation in class and for making our short time together memorable and fun. When I was asked to train or help Batch 56 for the technical training for the capstone 3, I immediately agreed to do so. Ma’am Chris believed in all of you and is proud of your camaraderie and for your passion for what you do. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms.
Instructor Marty