Terminologies to remember:
Term | Definition |
Code | Statements that make the application work |
Text Editor | A program used to write code |
Terminal | A program used to run system commands |
Bug | Refers to problems in the code that lead to unexpected behaviors |
Browser | An application that allows access to websites |
Hosting | The process of putting a website to the Internet |
HTML | Stands for HyperText Markup Language. Used to create the structure of websites |
CSS | Stands for Cascading Style Sheets. Used to add design to websites |
Front End Design* | The design of the general look and feel of websites as well as user experience |
Back End Design* | The design of the general functionality of a website |
Full Stack | The design of an entire website’s systems from the look and feel to the functionality |
Installation Guide (MacOS)
Installation Instructions
Open a program named Terminal and type the following:
/bin/bash -c “$(curl -fsSL
The terminal should now look like this:

Press ENTER and type your password to continue the installation and wait for the execution
to finish.

To verify the installation, type the following:
brew -v
It should output the following:

Git was also installed along the way. To confirm, type git –version and the output should
be like this:

Google Chrome
Open a program named Terminal and install Google Chrome by executing the following:
brew cask install google-chrome
After the installation, open Google Chrome by typing the following:
open -a “Google Chrome”
Google Chrome should open normally.

Sublime Text 3
Open a program named Terminal and install Sublime Text 3 by executing the following:
brew cask install sublime-text
After the installation, open Sublime Text 3 by typing the following:
open -a “Sublime Text”
Sublime Text 3 should open normally.

This blog post is intended for Zuitt Open House Workshop participants. If you’ve stumbled upon this blog post and aren’t a bootcamper, you can begin your bootcamp journey with Zuitt by clicking this link: